Soul-Guided Health Session

Soul Guided Health Session

Through my work with Soul Guidance Sessions, I became aware that our soul also has unique insights into our health challenges.

Most illnesses and similar issues typically begin as imbalances on the energetic level. If these imbalances are not addressed, they can eventually manifest physically as ailments or diseases.

Since our soul has deeper insight into the underlying causes of our health challenges, it also knows what we can do to address them. This is the foundation of this type of session.

With this session, I communicate directly with your soul to uncover:

1) The underlying cause(s) of your health challenges.
2) What you can do to address them.

How does a session take place?

1) You contact me and request a session using the form below.

2) I will then contact you to arrange a time for an initial conversation. During this, we discuss your health challenges and how they affect you. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about this type of session.

3) I connect with your soul, and for each of your health challenges, I ask:

1. What the underlying cause is (root cause).
2. What can you do to address it.

I ask follow-up questions until I feel your issues are thoroughly explored and resolved. I conduct this part of the session on my own.

4) Following, I contact you again to schedule another video call where I share the answers I received. Here I will further help you to use and implement the received information. Expect a conversation of up to 60 minutes, though it may occasionally be longer.

A session currently costs USD 59 which is paid after we have discussed your health challenges and agreed to proceed.

You can use the contact form below to book an initial conversation.

Important note: If you are experiencing illness, you must have sought help from the conventional healthcare system. This session does not replace professional medical evaluation and treatment.

Example of a Soul-Guided Health Session

A middle-aged woman approached me with her health challenge, which turned out to be a significant one – osteoporosis which is “a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass, micro-architectural deterioration of bone tissue leading to more porous bone, and consequent increase in fracture risk1. It was also her only health issue.

Initial Conversation

During our initial conversation, we briefly discussed how the illness affected her and when it first appeared. It had surfaced approximately 12 years earlier. We also had a meaningful discussion about how major health challenges can sometimes involve deeper factors. For instance, the soul might have chosen the challenge for learning, it could have a karmic basis, or the cause might be something deeper that needed addressing. She was completely at peace with this perspective. Keeping this in mind, I agreed to proceed further.

The Underlying Cause of Her Illness

When I connected with her soul, I was taken back to her childhood, where a severe trauma had occurred. A woman, likely a caregiver of some sort, had physically abused her at a very young age. As part of the abuse, she had been tied up.

It was also made very clear to me that she had no memory of the trauma today. When I inquired why this was the case, I was told she had repressed it “to avoid completely breaking down.” In other words, this was a survival mechanism that allowed her to carry on afterward. I was also informed that she might be able to recall it through hypnosis.

I admit that this information was quite intense to receive. However, we had already discussed that significant revelations might surface.

The question now was: What was the link to her osteoporosis?

The Connection Between the Trauma and Osteoporosis

When I asked about the link between the trauma and her osteoporosis, the answer I received was: “Disintegrates from within because it hasn’t been released.” In other words, the trauma, which she couldn’t remember because it was too painful to confront, had never been released. It had never been processed or felt. The “destructive energy” from the trauma had never surfaced, so it continued to work energetically within her, eventually manifesting physically as osteoporosis over time.

What Was the Solution?

The answer here was very specific: If she wanted to get better, she needed to “confront the trauma.” This meant facing it, becoming conscious of it, and working through it. Hypnosis had already been suggested as a method. Through hypnosis, she could try to connect with the repressed painful experiences from her childhood. It was also made clear that the path forward involved “trauma therapy.” When I asked which type of trauma therapy, the response was: “Whichever she feels drawn to.” This gave her the task of finding the type of trauma therapy she felt was right for her. I was then told that “it would get better,” meaning the osteoporosis would improve if she followed this path.

I chose to ask her soul whether the woman was ready to hear all this and work on it. The answer was: “It is the right thing to do,” and it was emphasized that “she had come to me.” I was also informed that it was “overdue” for something to be done about it.

I then asked if there was anything else that needed to come to light in this context. The response was that the above was the key point and that it was sufficient. I thanked her soul for participating and concluded my connection with her soul.

Presentation to the Client

The underlying cause of her illness had now been uncovered, and a potential path forward had been identified.

In the subsequent conversation with the woman, where I presented these findings, it indeed emerged that she couldn’t recall the traumatic experiences. However, certain things from her childhood had puzzled her and might be connected to this. When I mentioned that she had been tied up, she immediately said she panicked if someone held her down and that this might explain it. This made sense, as she didn’t know where else that reaction could stem from.

The woman received the information I shared with her very positively and was very willing to work on it. It turned out that she had already undertaken some training in hypnosis and was in the process of studying trauma therapy. For me, this was a clear indication that the timing was just right for her to address this trauma, though it might be a tough journey.

After ensuring the woman had no unresolved questions or other matters weighing on her, I concluded our conversation and wished her all the best.

About Klaus Kaae Hermansen

Klaus has worked in the spiritual field for many years and has published several books on spirituality, including how to communicate with the spiritual realm. Today, he offers 1:1 sessions within various areas. Click here to see the sessions he offers. Additionally, he is associated with the Danish organization (School of the Soul) as a teacher and lecturer.”

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