Use the below dream dictionary to lock up specific things that appeared in your dream to find out what it symbolizes and how to interpret your dream.
About Dream Interpretation in general
In dream interpretation, the symbolism of an object can vary depending on the context of the dream, the emotions experienced during the dream, and the personal experiences and associations of the dreamer. However, since many people are influenced by shared culture, many objects will hold a general symbolism and meaning that are true to many.
Below you will find the general meaning and symbolism of various common objects, places, or events in dreams and how you can interpret these.
The dictionary is far from exhaustive but will also serve to teach you the general concept of deriving symbolism and meaning from various things in dreams. Do so by exploring different terms to learn the methodology. Learn so by exploring various terms to grasp the methodology.
Dream dictionary – Index of dreams and their meaning:
Bicycle, Birth, Butterfly, Car, Death, Dragonfly, Fishing, Flying, House, Lighthouse, Luggage, Mobile phone, Megaledeon Shark, Motorcycle, Palm tree, People, Pregnant, Schools, Shark, Trains, Water, Worms, Zombies
Bicycles in dreams
If the bicycle is your main means of transportation, then the bicycle is what “Brings you from A to B” symbolically. If you lost your bicycle in a dream, you are not moving much in life or in a certain asepct of life. What aspect might be revealed by looking into what else was shown in the dream.
If you only use your bicycle only for pleasure and joy rides, then it can symbolize “joy”.
Birth in dreams
Birth, equal to pregnancy, symbolizes that something new is pending, That you are giving birth to new ideas, things, or projects.
Butterflies in dreams
Butterflies in dreams are closely linked to “Transformation” and “Development”. This is due to the significant transformation or metamorphosis it undergoes. From being a larva to Cocoon to the beautiful butterfly. For a detailed description of the meaning and symbolism of the butterfly, please refer to this article: The Butterfly – Symbolism, Spiritual meaning & Message.
In general, when interpreting the meaning of an animal, have a look at the properties of the animal and how it lives.
In general, when interpreting the meaning of an animal, have a look at the properties of the animal and how it lives. What is special about this particular creature?
Cars in dreams
If your car is your main means of transportation, then the car is what “Brings you from A to B” symbolically. If you lost your car in a dream, you are not moving much in life or in a certain asepct of life. What aspect might be revealed by looking into what else was shown in the dream.
But have a look at what your car means to you. It could also be a crucial part of how you make money. Or it could represent materialism.
Death in dreams
It can be scary to dream about death. But in most cases death in dreams symbolises transformation. Transformation can also be a bit scary because it sometimes is a journey into the unknown. But transformation also means the birth of something new, which is what death paves the road for. In other words, death is not something to be feared.
Dragonfly in dreams
A dragonfly in your dream can symbolize being able quickly to adapt to change, self-realization, lightness and joy, and living life to its fullest. It can also be linked to transformation and diving into feelings.
For a detailed description of the meaning and symbolism of the dragonfly, please refer to this article: The Butterfly – Symbolism, Spiritual meaning & Message.
In general, when interpreting the meaning of an animal, have a look at the properties of the animal and how it lives. What is special about this particular creature?
Fishing in dreams
Fishing in dreams can represent a way of making income. Pay attention to how it is going with the fishing. Are you catching something? What are you catching, etc. This can give you additional insight.
Flying in dreams
Flying in a dream symbolizes flow in life, a high vibration, and moving effortless through life.
It can also be linked to seeing things from a higher perspective. But the context of flyving is also important. The above is linked to when you have the ability to fly in your dream.
The House in dreams
A house often represents the dreamer’s self and identity. Different rooms in the house can symbolize different aspects of the dreamer’s personality or life. For example, a bedroom might represent intimacy or privacy, while a kitchen could symbolize nourishment and sustenance/income generation.
Hidden spaces in a house may represent different aspects of your unconscious mind. Exploring these rooms in your dream may symbolize a desire to delve into your inner thoughts and emotions.
Dreaming of moving into a new house or renovating an old one can symbolize a desire for change or transition in your life. It may suggest that you are undergoing personal growth or embarking on a new
Lighthouses in dreams
A lighthouse helps people to navigate. This way there is a strong symbolism in the lighthouse.
The Lighthouse is often associated with Lightworkers and seeing a lighthouse in a dream can be a way to inform a person that he/she is a lightworker.
Luggage in dreams
Luggage in dreams often represents what has happened to us.
Leaving luggage behind can symbolises letting go of past experiences, indoctrination, and conditioning made by society, family, etc.
Megalodon Shark in dreams
Sharks represent and symbolize our fear. The Megalodeo shark is the biggest shark that has ever existed! So the Megaledeon shark in turn symbolises a big fear or big fear in your life. See also Sharks. Furhter, the Megalodon shart is distinct. The last could symbolise that you have overcome big fear.
I mainly included the Megaledeon Shark to show you how to extract symbolisms from an object. I encountered it in a dream after I had been facing a lot of fear in my life. Basically, my mind had been engaged with a lot of fearful thoughts about my future. When I got things under control and started to see things more clearly, I asked my spirit guides “What happened?!” I was then shown the Megalodon shark or they actually gave me the word “Megalodon Shark” as a symbolic answer.
Mobile phones in dreams
A mobile phone in a dream can symbolize communication or if you have a very expensive phone it can symbolize materialism.
Motorcycles in dreams
If your motorcycle is your main means of transportation, then the motorcycle is what “Brings you from A to B” symbolically.
If you lost your motorbike in a dream, you are not moving much in life or in a certain aspect of life. What aspect might be revealed by looking into what else was shown in the dream.
A motorbike can also symbolize freedom.
Palms or palm trees
Palm trees are special because they are made so they can with even tropical storms. They just bend and wave their leaves but they don’t brake. If you are facing “stormy weather” symbolically speaking in your life at the moment, you can learn from the palm tree. Maybe the storm will shake you, but don’t let it break you. The storm will pass and the sun will shine again.
A palm tree can also symbolize vacation. Maybe it is time for a break or vacation to revitalize your energy.
People in dreams
People in dreams can in general be interpreted in two ways:
1) The person can be shown in your dream because you are involved in a situation on which the dream tries to provide perspective.
2) People in dreams can represent different aspects of ourselves. Try to find out what this particular person holds of properties and what he/she can represent. Then have a look at the context the person appears in the dream.
Pregnant in dreams
Pregnancy in dreams often symbolizes that you are giving birth to something. But it is not necessarily a child. More often it is a project or new venture that is in the cooking.
As a man, I was even told in a dream “You are pregnant” which underlines the above.
Schools in dreams
Schools in dreams often symbolize learning, growth, and development. Depending on the context of the dream, you may be about to learn something new or evolve in some aspect of life.
Sharks in dreams
For most people sharks represent fear and hence sharks in dream very often symbolises fear. See also Megaledeon Shark
Trains in dreams
Trains in dreams can symbolize a journey. It can be a mental, spiritual journey or in some cases a physical journey. But in most cases, it is a representation of an internal journey taking place or about to take place.
Water in dreams
Water in dreams very often symbolizes feelings. Pay attention to the condition of the water. Is it clear, muddy, stirred up, or calm? What is seen in the water or other context can also give you hints to interpret your dream.
When something is hidden under the water it can also represent that it is subconscious. “Hidden in the depth of the water”. In this case, your dream might ask you to take a look at what you are not dealing with at a subconscious level. What we suppress or not deal with still hurts us and is holding us back. Be brave and have the courage to have a look at it with an open mind. It might be painful initially but can have a big positive impact on your life if you deal with it.
Worms can appear in dreams in many contexts and it can look gross or upsetting when having a dream like this. The interpretation of worms is however more positive. In nature worms often help to decompose waste or dead things. A dream with worms can hence symbolize that something in your life is undergoing transformation. Maybe you are undergoing processes at the moment and letting go of things that no longer serve you.
Zombies in dreams
Seeing Zombies or fighting zombies in dreams can reflect that you are struggling with emotions or issues at a subconscious level. Maybe you’ve been avoiding or suppressing them, but they are now demanding your attention and this is reflected as zombies.
Missing a word or want to add a word?
If you have a particular term you want to have added to the dictionary, then feel free to comment on this post. If you already have a good idea of what it means you are welcome to include it in the description.